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70 years of Euro Gijbels

Thanks to you!

Without consumers, customers and supporters, our family business never would have come so far. So we would like to thank everyone who loves our fruits and vegetables, whether they know it or not!

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Contact us

with any questions and comments

Catalonia, Mont-roig Del Camp

Our 150 hectares of agricultural land

In sunny Catalonia, we work day and night to grow delicious vegetables and super-fresh
fruit. Our employees brave the sun and the heat in order to allow our delicious Euro Gijbels products to grow and blossom, and then to send them our way.

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Geel, Belgium

our warehouses and offices

In sunny, rainy, ice-cold and boiling hot Belgium, we are ready and waiting every day. We sort, pack and distribute our flavourful fruits and vegetables. If extra products are required, we look for them internationally, to select the highest quality fruits and vegetables. Because only the best is good enough for us, so that Euro Gijbels can continue to grow.